100 Questions Filipino Kids Ask Volume 2
Author: Liwliwa Mabalad
Editor: Emylou Infante
Illustrator: Abigail Goy
Best Leisure Book, 31st National Book Awards, 2012. National Book Development Board and the Manila Critics Circle.
Since our readers couldn't get enough of the first volume, here's another volume of questions (and answers) for children to enjoy. Only this book answers questions such as --What is a bar code? Can scientists predict the end of the world? Did ancient Filipinos wear underwear? Where does our trash go? -- with a delightful mix of facts, trivia and activities. This richly illustrated oversized coffee table book answers the questions that Filipino kids might have regarding science, history, culture and many other topics.
Paperback: 200 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9715083838
ISBN-13: 978-9715083836