Memories of Philippine Kitchens
by Amy Besa and Romy Dorotan
Out of print title
By Amy Besa and Romy Dorotan
The hardbound US edition of this book is now out of print. This First Edition was published by Harry N. Abrams. (November 1, 2006).
However, we have a free Search Service for the paperbound UK edition. If interested, let us know so that we can search on your behalf. We do not know the price and when exactly would our Book Scouts be able to find the copy, but we will let you know accordingly.
"In the newly revised and updated Memories of Philippine Kitchens, Amy Besa and Romy Dorotan, owners and chef at the Purple Yam and formerly of Cendrillon in Manhattan, present a fascinating and very personal look at Filipino cuisine and culture. From adobo to pancit, lumpia to kinilaw, the authors trace the origins of native Filipino foods and the impact of foreign cultures on the cuisine. More than 100 unique recipes, culled from private kitchens and the acclaimed Purple Yam menu, reflect classic dishes as well as contemporary Filipino food. Filled with hundreds of sumptuous photographs and stories from the authors and other notable cooks, this book is a joy to peruse in and out of the kitchen." - Excerpts from the publisher's website.